Logo vs. Brand Identity



Probably one of the most common things I hear in my inquiries as a brand designer.

Hear me out. A logo is a graphic element used to represent your brand. But if people see only your logo, they have little to connect to that element. A professional business needs a strong and cohesive brand identity. Yes, a logo is a part of it, but just as important are the carefully curated colors you choose, a typography that connects with your audience, patterns and stories that evoke emotions and so much more. In order to develop a memorable brand you need the elements combined.

Clients seek experiences, and to create a memorable experience you need to provide them with branded touch points. Every interaction or piece of material (digital or print) can be branded to create a high end experience that the client will rave about forever.

There are lots of elements to creating a cohesive brand identity, but the minimum you need if you want to be perceived as a professional business is: logo suite, carefully curated color palette and a typography suite.




Logo Suite

A logo is just one piece of your brand. And just a single logo will never be optimized for every space. That is where logo suite comes into play and presents you with at least a few variations. Here is an example of what a logo suite includes:

1. The primary logo is your main logo, used in larger mediums (website, banners, brand documents)

primary logo design for a wedding photographer

2. A secondary logo is usually a rearranged version of your primary logo. It is created to allow more flexibility for different settings. It is often used on social media, graphics and business cards.

wedding photographer secondary logo design

3. Submark logo is a condensed version of the primary logo. It is created to fit smaller spaces and it often includes an icon or a monogram. This variation is perfect for small scale spaces like print and marketing materials, patterns, stickers and badges.

wedding photographer monogram logo design

4. An icon or a favicon is the smallest possible symbol that identifies your brand. it is used on a website browser tab and other really small applications.

wedding photographer monogram logo design


Carefully curated color palette is important because it’s an element of your brand that people notice first. Color actually increases brand recognition up to 85% and is one of the biggest reason why customers choose to engage.

Colors evoke emotions and they subconsciously convey certain information. This enables customers to form a first impression without even knowing what your product is about.

The color palette below if carefully chosen to reflect the client’s brand personality and voice.

For example a warm yellow conveys friendly, cheerful and youthful energy.
While beige is down-to-earth, natural, organic and raw.
Black is sophisticated, elegant and often perceived as luxurious.


Typography is one of the most important aspects of your design system to establish early on, just think of how much information you'll communicate to users through type. Fonts influence your readers’ subconscious perception of your brand. A business who uses inconsistent fonts is often perceived as unprofessional and even less knowledgeable.

These are the essential elements you need for a solid foundations for your brand, and as you can see, it is way more than ‘just a simple logo’

This is why we work with clients who are ready for building a brand and everything that comes with it.

If you are after the essentials, Brand Base is the perfect package for you.

We want your branding to not only look good, but also work for you and help you maximize your success.


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