Optimizing Images for Your Squarespace Website


Hey there! We all know that a picture is worth a thousand words, and on your Squarespace website, those words should be crystal clear, captivating, and quick to load. Welcome to the world of image optimization, where we're going to dive into the art of making your visuals shine without slowing down your site. Let's get started on making your Squarespace website a visual masterpiece!

Why Image Optimization Matters

First things first, why should you care about optimizing images? Well, the speed at which your website loads is a crucial factor for retaining visitors. Slow-loading images can make users bounce faster than a kangaroo on caffeine. Plus, search engines adore fast-loading websites, and that can mean better rankings. So, let's make your images as light and nimble as a featherweight boxer.

1. Choose the Right File Type:

Not all image file types are created equal. For photographs and complex visuals, use JPEGs. They offer a great balance between quality and file size. For graphics, logos, and images with transparency, turn to PNGs. Squarespace also supports GIFs if you want to add some animated elements to your site.

2. Resize Like a Pro:

Your Squarespace template might require specific image sizes for different sections. Before uploading, resize your images to the dimensions you need. Avoid uploading gigantic images and relying on Squarespace to resize them – it can slow things down.

3. Compression is Key:

Compressing your images is like vacuum-sealing your luggage – it saves space. Use online tools or image editing software to reduce the file size without compromising too much on quality. Aim for a balance that keeps your images looking crisp without overloading your site. Try to make sure that your images are under 500KB.

4. Naming Queen:

Name your image files so they are descriptive and relevant. Search engines use this information to let them know what the images are about. Name like “IMG123.jpg“ does not tell much now, does it? Best-practice URLs typically have words separated by a hyphen, so instead change it to something more descriptive like “how-to-optimize-images-seo.jpg”.

5. Say Hello to Alt Text:

Think of alt text as a little description for your images. Not only does it provide accessibility for visually impaired visitors, but it also gives you a chance to slip in some keywords for SEO. Keep it concise and descriptive – a few words are usually enough.

6. Keep It Consistent:

Maintain a consistent style for your images. Use the same dimensions, filters, and aspect ratios for a polished and professional look. Consistency can help your brand stand out and create a memorable visual identity.


Optimizing images for your Squarespace website isn't just about making things look good – it's about delivering a seamless, enjoyable experience for your visitors. By following these steps, you'll ensure your website loads quickly, keeps users engaged, and gives search engines a reason to smile.


Logo vs. Brand Identity


Client Showcase: Josie Brooks Photography