Client Showcase: Design Intensive with Noa Interior Design Studio


In this case study, we will go over our collaboration with Noa Interiors and their new engaging branding following bold minimalist style.

interior designer branding furniture animation
furniture line illustration animation for interior design studio
line illustration animation

Bold Minimalist Aesthetics

Minimalism in the graphic design space usually refers to the deliberate simplification of a design, utilising simple shapes, colour palettes, and types. Bold minimalism combines minimalistic elements with strong visual elements. This can include the use of clean lines, simple shapes, and monochromatic colors, but with the addition of bold features such as bright pops of colour, large or bold typography, creative textures and so on. Our goal with Noa was to create a design that is both visually simple and impactful. The branding we created is minimalist in terms of color and shape, yet bold in the way it is displayed and animated.

Form follows Function

Every interior designer knows the famous Sullivan's axiom, “form follows function, which means that the core purpose of a building should be the starting point for its design. This is exactly the approach we took when designing their logo. We took the three basic shapes as our core, like every interior project starts with a the outline of the floorplan. Only then we can focus on interior and design aesthetics.

minimalist interior designer brand identity
interior designer branding identity
interior designer brand identity
website design intensive

The Collaboration

Noami, the client first approached me because she felt her old DIY Canva logo was not resonating with her anymore and was in point of her business where she was trying to elevate and scale. Because she felt so unaligned with her visual identity, she was not attracting the high-end clientele she strived for. We immediately connected and she booked a Brand Intensive service (Brand Base Package).
The brand intensive service is insanely collaborative 3 day session where we focus on all of your branding elements.
And let me just show you, the before and after transformation…

We created her primary logo and logo variations, defined her typography, curated a minimalist color palette, and designed a set of fully custom gif animation to use on Noa website and social channels. The collaboration was a success and we are currently working on elevating the website so she can finally proudly showcase her work and market her services.


Interested in a brand design intensive?


Client Showcase: Josie Brooks Photography


Building My Dream Office